Student Experience of Instruction

The University of British Columbia values the quality of the teaching we offer to UBC students. End-of-course student surveys provide the university community with information about student experience of their instruction at UBC.

In May 2007 the UBC Vancouver Senate passed a revised policy on Student Evaluation of Teaching while UBC Okanagan currently operates on a policy adopted from Vancouver in 2005. UBC recognizes the importance of high-quality teaching and requires student evaluation of teaching on a regular basis (with some exceptions, as defined by the policy). For most courses, UBC has implemented a modular approach, where departments, faculties and the university can contribute evaluation questions.

In May 2020 both the UBCV and UBCO Senates endorsed a change to the name of this process, from Student Evaluation of Teaching to Student Experience of Instruction.

In May 2021, the Student Experience of Instruction team joined the Planning and Institutional Research office.