UBC Data & Analytics
UBC at a Glance
Explore UBC by the numbers, including headcount by campus, faculty and school, program, and international students.
Okanagan Fact Sheets
The Fact Sheets contain an overview of the Okanagan campus, including information on students, faculty, staff, and operations.
Vancouver Fact Sheets
The Fact Sheets contain an overview of student enrolment, demographics, and faculty and staff data for the Vancouver campus.
Faculty & Staff Data
The Faculty & Staff dashboard includes data about paid and unpaid, full and part-time faulty and staff positions, as well as gender and age distribution.
Department Profiles
Contains key performance indicator data by Faculty (and Department where available). Access is limited to Deans or their designates.
Comparative Metrics
Relevant resources including: BCHEADset, Student Transitions Project (STP), and more.