Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey

Thank you for participating in the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey! Your survey response has been submitted and will remain confidential.

Your participation will provide valuable input for UBC to better support employees, and increase capacity to link research with policy and practices on our campuses and beyond. It will help UBC monitor our progress in working towards our vision of becoming a health and wellbeing promoting institution, as identified in the Wellbeing Strategic Framework. 

If you are in need of mental health support, please reach out. UBC Human Resources has a variety of health and wellbeing resources available to support you.


If you are in imminent risk and/or in a high level of distress:

Access any of the following 24/7 supports:

  • Urgent Care: 9.1.1 or nearest hospital emergency department
  • Crisis Centre: 800.784.2433,
  • Crisis Line: 1.888.353.2273
  • Campus Security: 807.8111


Community resources

  • Mind Health BC: Take an online mental health assessment and find resources
  • Health Link BC: Check physical health symptoms online and find resources


If you are interested in learning more about UBC plans and strategies that will be supported with the data from the CCWS, please check out:


If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact us at