
The University of British Columbia participates in a wide range of surveys that are intended to collect data from its students, alumni, faculty and staff for administrative, planning and reporting purposes.

Survey Governance

Surveys are an important source of information that help shape our student, faculty and staff experiences at UBC. In response to the increasing number of electronic surveys being conducted in recent years, we have established a Survey Governance Committee to help manage a consistent and coordinated approach to UBC surveys. This committee is responsible for the following:

  • Approving all planned campus- and institution-wide surveys before deployment.
  • Sharing access to survey data as well as how survey findings are informing decision-making at the university.
  • Offering survey methodology support, including survey design, sampling, and analyzing/reporting results.

Learn more about the Survey Governance Committee.

UBC Surveys

On behalf of the Survey Governance Committee, the PAIR team administers several institutional surveys across UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. These surveys reflect the University’s commitment as one of the world’s leading universities, creating an exceptional learning environment that fosters global citizenship, advances a civil and sustainable society, and supports outstanding research to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada and the world.

These surveys cover a range of topics and provide a comprehensive picture of the educational experience at UBC. Feedback from students provides invaluable insight about their academic engagement, learning experiences, health and wellbeing, career preparedness, and perceptions about equity, diversity and inclusion at UBC.

For more information about these surveys, contact

New to UBC Survey

View the annual NUBC Attender and Non-Attender dashboards and reports.

Undergraduate Experience Survey

View the UES dashboard and reports.

Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey

View the CCWS questionnaire and workbooks.

Baccalaureate Graduate Survey

View the Baccalaureate Graduate Survey Results.

National Survey of Student Engagement

View the NSSE reports, administered at UBC every 3 years.

Student Experience of Instruction

View the SEI Dashboards and SAC Summary.